Daring Bakers October – Bostini Cream Pie

It’s Daring Bakers time again!  We all make the same recipe and post on the same day.  This month our selected item was the Bostini Cream Pie.  I described it as a deconstructed Boston Cream Pie.  I liked it because it was fancy and fun, slightly decadent but not too rich.  And, you can make the majority ahead of time which can be key.

I brought this dessert to a gathering at my brother’s house.  I wasn’t sure everyone would enjoy it, but I knew there would be enough people there that I wouldn’t come home with extras.  Turns out, most everyone loved it!  Including my 3-year-old niece! 

For the full recipe, visit Mary at Alpineberry.

Bostini Cream Pie

First, I had to decide how I was going to plate this dessert. Everyone had ideas and I liked a few of them, but my main concern was cost. I didn’t want to buy 12 dishes to bake the cakes in, and then another 12 dishes to serve the Bostini’s in. I finally settled on custard cups that I could first bake the cakes in, then serve the Bostini’s in so that they would make a kind of tower. I have some gorgeous heart shaped dishes that would have worked had this been Valentine’s Day. I checked Williams-Sonoma. $10 for a custard cup! No thank you. Martha Stewart came through for me at Macy’s with 6 oz. ramekins – $4 per cup, $48 spent.

My plan was to make everything on Friday night, and then assemble the Bostini’s at my brother’s house. Next up, bake the cakes. I’ve never made a chiffon cake before, but I will definitely make one again. I think the key to folding in the egg whites is to do them in stages. I usually do it in thirds. That way nothing is overwhelmed. The chiffon cakes were perfect. They came together easily, were super moist, and the orange flavor was perfect.

The custard also came together easily. I wasn’t sure how thick I wanted the custard. I wanted it creamy and with some consistency, but not too set. I was planning on spooning it into the cups, so I didn’t need it too thick.

The chocolate glaze is where I fell down. I was planning on making it at my brother’s and thought I had grabbed the stack of Daring Baker print outs. Instead, I grabbed a stack that included the first page of the Daring Baker printout, and then a bunch of other recipes. I combined the butter and the chocolate and I’m pretty sure the sauce broke. Oh well, no one noticed but me. But, the sauce isn’t very pretty.

The assembly!
Custard in the cup –

Cake on top of the custard –

The finished Bostini Cream Pie!

29 Responses to “Daring Bakers October – Bostini Cream Pie”

  1. Baking Soda Says:

    Wow, you bought all the ramekins! Phew that is one expensive recipe already, so glad everyone enjoyed it!

  2. brilynn Says:

    It’s a dessert that lends itself well to fancy presentations for dinner parties, I’m sure everyone loved it! Well done!

  3. kellypea Says:

    If you’ve got an Ikea near you anywhere, they have really inexpensive, but nice looking cookware that I go to when I’m in a pinch! It’s been a while, but I remember the first time making chocolate mousse I had to purchase 20 of those little ramekins! Congrats on the completion of yet another DB Challenge. Now, on to the next one…

  4. erincooks Says:

    There is an Ikea near me, and I did briefly consider going there, but it’s not an easy place to get in and out of. I wish it were, but then I’d probably be there a lot more!

  5. Belinda Says:

    Beautiful job with the Bostini challenge! I love the custard cups, and you will get lots of use out of them through the years…perhaps even for future Daring Baker challenges. 🙂

  6. slush Says:

    I love the little custard cups as well. They are perfect for this dessert! Well done, they are gorgeous!

  7. breadchick Says:

    Got to love a challenge that forces you to add to your cooking toys!! Great job on this month’s challenge!!!

  8. April Says:

    Your bostini looks great!

  9. Sheltie Girl Says:

    Fabulous job on the bostinis. I’m glad everyone at the dinner party enjoyed it.

    Natalie @ Gluten A Go Go

  10. Jen Says:

    I definitely prefer cream to butter in my chocolate glazes/sauces since it seems to give a nicer sheen and creamier consistency. I think your dessert turned out wonderfully and clearly everyone else did too!! 🙂 Good job.

  11. Lisa Says:

    Terrific! I’m so happy everyone loved it – especially your niece! 😉

    Another fantastic job.. well done Erin!


  12. Claire Says:

    Your cakes puffed so well…looks great!

  13. Christina Says:

    Great job!

  14. Dagmar Says:

    Well done! And congrats on having a reason to shop some ramekins!

  15. Ivonne Says:

    I think your bostinis are great! I love the step-by-step photos!

  16. Tartelette Says:

    Beautiful job! Next time I am taking you shopping with me!! Congrats on your challenge!

  17. Tanna Says:

    That is a perfect Bostini if ever I saw one.

  18. Mary Says:

    Your bostini looks great!

  19. Annemarie Says:

    With that kind of investment in ramekins, I hope you’re busy thinking of future ramekin-happy recipes so you can get your money’s worth! Very nice bostinis.

  20. Andrea Says:

    I had to buy ramekins, too! Daring Bakers projects are always a good excuse to add to the kitchen toy collection. 🙂

    Your Bostinis look great! Your cakes came out so nicely!

  21. maria~ Says:

    Simply lovely. Your presentation is wonderful and looks delish!

  22. Anne Says:

    they look super delicious! glad everyone liked it 🙂

  23. Julie Says:

    Oh wow, I love how high your cakes rose out of the ramekins! That in itself is fantastic. I can’t believe how expensive ramekins are, though. I think my grocery store sells a 4-pack of the Pyrex brand for $6, but they’re in either clear or blue-tinted glass. I’m glad you managed to find some reasonably priced cups! Your final plating looks good! I can’t tell that anything happened at all to your custard cups!

  24. Julie Says:

    Ah, I mean I couldn’t tell that anything happened at all to your chocolate sauce! =P

  25. Jenny Says:

    Your sauce looks great! Nice work!

  26. Cheryl Says:

    Beautiful job on the bostinis.

  27. Dolores Says:

    Part of the fun of the Daring Baker challenges for me is a combination of shopping for new and useful items in my kitchen… and searching for new and creative ways to employ what I already own.

    Glad you were able to find custard cups that didn’t break the bank, and that you and your family enjoyed the Bostini!

  28. Gabi Says:

    Nice job on the Bostini!
    I know how it adds up when you need to buy special bakeware. I bought 16 ramekins for an indivual pot pie I was serving to a group of friends. Sometimes you just hold your breath and forge ahead. 🙂
    I’m glad you found them at a somewhat reasonable price and it’s nice that they are good for so many uses.

  29. peabody Says:

    Well, at least you have ramekins now! Great job.

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